Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Teaching Kindness through Literature #1

I'll admit, I didn't realize how much of teaching involved teaching kindness, respect, and decency, but it does. We could sit around and complain about "kids today," or we can do something about it.  We can teach our students to be the best version of themselves and open the door of conversion about what kindness, respect, and decency look like and how these habits can change us and change the world really.

I have a small composition notebook full of great quotes from great stories (Literature geek here, I know).  I loved to pull a quote out and put it on the board for discussion.  The quote above is an example.  Here are some questions to consider when discussing this quote with your class.

1. What does this quote mean?
2. What does this quote tell us about the character who said it?
3. How can you apply insight from this quote into your daily life?

And of course, I would always put in a shameless plug for the book the quote came from, because getting my students to read GREAT books is always a priority.

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